10 N Martingale Rd. Suite 400 60173
Schaumburg, IL
60173 USA

CBS Reviews: The Best Money I Ever Spent

Client Review for Corporate Business Solutions


A client with a plumbing and heating company required Corporate Business Solutions’ services to make the business more efficient and profitable.

“When we started, our company was struggling financially and I was at a crossroads on whether or not to continue.  Our family has owned this company since 1952 and I couldn’t stand to see it fail.  I decided to take the leap of faith to salvage the company, trusting that CBS could improve our bottom line.”


Our CBS consultant “is a true professional at his craft.  In a mere four months, he has completely turned this company around.  I have had my eyes opened to just how little I knew about running a business.  Now, I have the tools and knowledge to build upon the positive base that he has established for us.

He has made me a believer by giving me the one thing that can’t be denied—results.

I am truly excited to come to work each morning and continue instituting the plan that he laid out.  With his guidance in sales and marketing, we are advancing a goal of branching into a neighboring community.”


“This project was truly the best money I ever spent.”  Arthur, Vice President